Baylor University, Photo Credit: Michael Barera, from Wikimedia Commons
Our Policies
Through the years, the Trustees have adopted these policies which presently govern the Fund. These policies, along with procedural details, are subject to change or modification from time to time. When these policies do change, the Trustees will explain any such change fully to an applicant.
Loans to Texas students are available from the Millhollon Education Trust Fund. Mrs. Millhollon wanted to make a difference in the lives of young people and give them an opportunity to grow and obtain an education. When she established her Trust, it was for the purpose of giving young adults the chance at a better life.
Loans of up to $4,500.00 per semester (Fall and Spring) are available but not exceeding an aggregate amount of $45,000.00 for the student’s school career. Loans may be made to any qualified student, at the discretion of the Trustees, subject to availability of funds, and to the following conditions:
Must be a legal Texas resident.
Must be a U.S. Citizen.
Must be under age twenty-eight (28).
Must be attending a College or University in the United States, which has been accredited by the Commission of Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Must be able to come to Stanton, Texas, for a personal interview with one of the Board of Trustees Members at a time set by the Trustee.
Selected applicants will be chosen from those interviewed based primarily on financial need as determined by the Trustees.
All applications and attachments must be in our office by the deadlines of July 1 for the Fall and January 2 for the Spring.
The note and application must be signed by the student applicant. The note must also be notarized guaranteeing payment of all loans made to the student by the Trust.
All supporting data will become a part of a permanent loan file and will not be returned to the student.
Applications that are not accepted will be destroyed along with all attachments.
Students must renew loans each semester by contacting the Trust for a new note and application. No interview is required for renewal.
To renew a loan, the student must have completed at least 12 semester hours with at least a 2.5 GPA for the previous semester.